
Femtec Award 2022: honors three award recipients
Berlin, September 12, 2022 – The Femtec Award 2022 was bestowed for the fifth consecutive year last Friday during the summer event at Freiheit 15 in Berlin Köpenick on September 9. This award recognizes individuals, initiatives, or organizations that exhibit outstanding commitment, impact, and societal influence in leadership, innovation, or social impact categories.
Category Leadership – Cristina Schulte-Kutsch
In the “Leadership” category, role models were sought who inspire their teams with authentic leadership and provide individuals with space for personal development.
Cristina represents ZF Friedrichshafen on the Femtec Advisory Board. She is a sharp thinker, highly skilled at the strategic level, and brimming with innovative ideas. She passionately explores the future of work and the shaping of workforce and workplace culture for tomorrow, constantly focusing on people. Her special commitment lies in developing future-proof competencies needed to tackle the challenges of the energy transition.
Category Innovation: Dr. Angela Pine
In the “Innovation” category, we sought creative visionaries and future managers who are willing to initiate change and introduce new impulses. Characterized by initiative and entrepreneurial action, we focus on sustainable perspectives in our novel products or services.
Dr Angela Pine was honoured with the Femtec Award 2023. The scientist developed the first high-risk HPV home test, enabling every individual to assess their risk for cervical cancer in just 15 minutes. Angela started her career as a personal assistant at several prominent British media companies but quickly realized it wasn’t her calling. She swiftly changed course and is now a successful molecular engineer with a proven track record at the forefront of scientific innovation. Angela has pioneered technologies such as gene therapies for prostate cancer and diagnostic methods for SARS-CoV-2. Today, she is dedicated to her true passion, women’s health. To pursue her dreams, she founded 10zyme, a Femtech startup dedicated to developing more accessible diagnostics and democratizing healthcare.
Category Social Impact: Esra Calisir
In the “Social Impact” category, individuals or initiatives were sought that serve as catalysts for diversity in society through their own commitment, often in addition to professional or student obligations. The focus was on projects, ideas, or initiatives that bring about sustainable social change.
This year, Esra Calisir won the award in the Social Impact category. Her motto is to serve as a role model for Muslim women in technical fields. She volunteers as a lay language interpreter for refugees in Aachen and is a member of the InteGREATer association, which supports individuals with migration backgrounds. Within the association, young people with migration backgrounds inspire students through their own educational journeys. Coming from a family with a migration background herself and lacking female STEM role models, Esra has become a role model through her valuable engagement.