Luise Kranich

1. What was the best thing about the Femtec programme? What inspired and influenced you the most?

As a student, I wasn’t aware that, like most of us, I grew up in a society that propagated quite traditional and very entrenched role models. The training and exchange within the Career-Building Programme helped me to recognise and question these roles – and they gave me the courage (and the tools) to break out of them and take responsibility for my career.

2. What would you recommend to current scholars, what is your message?

If you are not sure whether you are ready for a task, dare – and dare something for yourself! Use your networks, accept feedback and take the time to give feedback yourself.

3. What does the network mean to you? What distinguishes Femtec from other networks?

The Femtec Network is a unique opportunity to get to know great STEM women and to exchange ideas on exciting topics away from clichés. This is not only a lot of fun, but it also brings something: for example, a commitment to the Femtec Alumnae Association is a great opportunity to train and deepen your project management, financing and communication skills and to further your knowledge on exciting STEM topics at the same time.

4. Why did you apply to Femtec at the time?

In my second semester, I had no idea what Femtec and the experience and friendships would mean to me. I had a slight idea that as a young woman I would have a harder time in my professional life than my male fellow students and I was particularly happy about the exchange with like-minded people.

5. Where was the Femtec Network useful / helpful? What do you still profit from today?

Practically speaking, via Femtec I found exciting internships at partner companies that I probably would not have found otherwise. These insights were very valuable for me in my later career planning, as were the very high-quality training and seminars. As my professional experience increases, I realize that this network, which has been with me for so many years, is becoming increasingly important.

“The Femtec Network is a unique opportunity to get to know great STEM women and to exchange ideas on exciting topics away from clichés.”

Luise Kranich, Femtec Alumna (formerly Course 2) Head of FZI Forschungzentrum Informatik Berlin